Liturgical Ministries
Definition: Liturgy (leitourgia) is a Greek composite word meaning originally a public duty, a service to the state undertaken by a citizen. Its elements are leitos (from leos = laos, people) meaning public, and ergo (obsolete in the present stem, used in future erxo, etc.), to do. From this we have leitourgos, "a man who performs a public duty", "a public servant", often used as equivalent to the Roman lictor; then leitourgeo, "to do such a duty", leitourgema, its performance, and leitourgia, the public duty itself.
Altar Servers
An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during a Christian liturgy. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, helping bring up the gifts, and bringing up the liturgical books, among other duties.
If you are interested in becoming an altar server, or having your child become an altar server, please contact Aunty Nani at (808) 462-7833.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
An extraordinary minister of Holy Communion in the Catholic Church is, under the 1983 Code of Canon Law, "an acolyte, or another of Christ's faithful deputed", in certain extraordinary circumstances, to distribute Holy Communion. The term "extraordinary" distinguishes such a person from the ordinary minister of Holy Communion, namely a bishop, priest or deacon. Under ordinary circumstances, only bishops, priests, and deacons may distribute Communion in the Catholic Church. ​
If you are interested in serving our church as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office at (808) 696-3773.
Lectors and Commentators
Lectors and Commentators are ordinary people who have the extraordinary privilege to proclaim the Word of God. The Lector proclaims the first and second readings at mass. The Commentator provides the introduction at the start of mass, leads the Prayers of the Faithful, and provides any concluding announcements.
For more information about Lectors, click here. For more information about Commentators, click here.
If you are interested in serving our church as an Lector or Commentator, please contact Roman Terry at (808) 218-4143.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through music experiences. The purpose of the Music Ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ.
At Sacred Heart, we currently have 3 Choirs, the Sacred Heat Samoan Choir, the Deacons Choir and the Saint Gabriel Choir.
For more information about the Sacred Heart Samoan Choir, please click here
If you are interested in serving our church in a choir, please contact see any of our choirs after mass.
A person's willingness to serve God in the capacity as an usher reflects their commitment to Christ. They must be mindful that they are there to assist those who are preparing to worship God by creating a quiet and reverent atmosphere within the church.
If you are interested in serving our church as an usher, please contact see any of our ushers at mass.
Please contact the Parish Office for the following:
Confession, Baptism, Blessings, Weddings, Anointing of the Sick,Marriage Convalidation and Funerals (contact the office1 week priorto making arrangements with the mortuary.)
Address: 85-786 Old Government Road Waianae HI 96792
Phone: (808) 696-3773